Today marks an extremely important day for all of us. Ray is ONE today (just 4 days short to be extact). My family as usual has all the tradition stuff line up for Ray. He needs to go over to have a ceremony where it apparently mark his profession in his future.

In this picture, u will see a calculator (accountant to be), a drumstick (foodie), ruler (lawyer), stethoscope (doctor), an egg (dont know why) and some longetivity noodles. Knowing Ray...the foodie, i was quite surehe will grab the drumstick. But the moment he was left on the floor, he literally jump at the egg!! He must be thinking that he left his favourite toy aka ball there. OK, so no verdict for his profession.
The real celebration started at 4.30pm as we organised a BBQ party for Ray and he invited all his cousins and friends to join him in this important milestone.

Here's father and son looking really excited abt the party....and they even made an effort to dress alike. And here's Ray entertaining his guests.

And of cos not birthday is completed without a cake!! Look at Ray and how happy he is looking....he must be thinking, just wait till i sink my teeth into that cake.

It has been a unbelievable year for us. From conceiving to giving birth and watching Ray grow and learning new stuff. He can clap his hands when being told. And when u say HELLO, he will put his hand on his ear, mimicking us making calls. And when u say NOSIY, he will put both his hands to his ears. All these are simple stuff that he amazes us everyday. I am so glad that the 3 of us are all coping well and staying sane.
To be able to see Ray's smile everyday is the greatest achievement in life.