Ok, back to the progress now. Suddenly, my appetite seems to have taken over my brain...i am eating non stop, well almost lah, but at least at times i am munching on healthy snacks like fruits or nuts. Walnuts are good...peanuts are evil....
My waist seems to have disappear as well (yes, i used to have a waist) and the bump is getting bigger. I have also steadily gained 3 kg since i fell pregnant so i think that is quite a good progress. And i have just passed my 2nd trimester so i am at the stage where i should G-L-O-W but not very much but at least the fatigue feeling has gone. The experts said that i should be choosing a name now for the baby.....eh? Banyan Mui?
Under the influence of latte (caffeine), i was talked into taking a photo of my bump...