Today is our 32 weeks scan, Phieng Phieng is now more responsive to touches and sounds so when we had our usual scan today with the scanning device going over my tummy to and fro, Phieng Phieng kicked in objection. Especially with the lesser space in my womb, i seriously dont think he likes to be probed. Its also worst when i sit up straight. Here's a pic of me at my 32 weeks, pls pay GREAT attention to my belly button as it has been tucked and pulled by the pregnancy and now looking like a navel orange.

Phieng Phieng is now 2.2kg and he is now a medium size baby. This is the last stage where he will have to pile on fats before he enter the world as he is so used to be cosy in my womb.
Can't wait to see this little fella soon....
And this post, we bring u exclusive preview of how the scanning looks like in the room. Pa pa mui risked his life as he snapped away cos the doc was screaming at him to stop or get out of the room.