22 March 2008

I am still here....

Hello people, in case u are wondering where i have been. Nope, i have not deliver and i am still waiting for the day to come as well. Just getting lazier, thats all.

Last Tue was another routine checkup at the hospital. Phieng Phieng is now 2.6kg and we have no idea how tall he is cos he was all curved up and all we can see is his belly. But one thing for sure, he is enjoying his "kickboxing" these days as it has more PUNCH to it now. Ouchie....He is having less space in the water bag now and accordingly to the experts, my body will re-absorb the amniotic acid ie i will be super floated like a WHALE!! Tell me about it....my legs feel like it has water. Err...just like u have gone thru a flood in your shoes and u feel the water in ur socks, get it? Its not a pleasant feeling, i must say.

Another few more weeks and we will have this little fella in our arms.....pure heaven huh? I'll let u know, in weeks to come. Wish us LUCK!!