8th of April marked a very important milestone in both our lives as we witnessed the birth of Phieng Phieng, right before our eyes. We couldn’t believe our eyes when the doctor shown Phieng Phieng to us, its just seem so unreal that the little fella that kicked and moved around IN my womb is now out.
Phieng Phieng weighs 3.0kg at birth, but we didn’t get to hold him as the midwife whisked him off to clean up and to do the APGAR test. Minutes later (which seems like HOURS), she came back with Phieng Phieng and I presented him with this FIRST kiss from his MOM (sorry pa pa mui). When I first look at him, I have ups and downs. It’s a feeling that no words can describe. Its really unreal...and suddenly i felt i had great responsiblity into raising this little fella.
When I returned to my ward, I immediately requested for Phieng Phieng as I wanted to start the bonding part ie breastfeeding ASAP. And the moment he was pushed into the room, I felt I am receiving the BEST present in my life, a present that both pa pa mui and I have carefully wrapped and protected for the past 9 months. And that was when pa pa mui looked me into the eyes and said "He looks just like me”.