We have heard so much about swimming for the babies that we decided to bring Ray to Harbourfront to try out. Swimming actually helps to develop the brains of the babies. U see...when u work out, ur brain works so it will grow. Plus, a little bit of exercise for Ray to expel his extra energy is good...i think babies need a channel to vent their frustration as well. Alright alright, i sound very much like a defensive mom who is trying to fend off all accusation of sending our baby off to class at the age of mere 2 month.

Ray doesnt look too happy as he was awaken from his sleep to do this exercise. But i assured the ladies there that Ray has slept long enough so he will be fine and bside he loves his bath time.

And here's Ray looking very eager as if he was asking the ladies if he was doing it right *wink* Natural Flirt, yeah!!

The water temp was around 37 deg so it was nice and warm.

And there were moments where Ray actually fell asleep for a split second and the ladies there were laughing away, i guess this is a first for them as well.