Honestly, i have never paid enough attention to the back view of Ray. But the other day, i saw it while i was burping him and i was laughing away. It just looked so damm funnie to me cos this view is the most neglected angle, and beside he is still a baby thus the neck is not very visible from the back. Also, how many times have u seen the back view of a baby? Personally, not many. So, here's sharing one of the "best" angle of his backview.

And Ray is 2 month old now. He has also started to explore with his hands. So he is now figuring out how to put the "drumstick" into his mouth. Some days its his thumb, some days its the index finger and some days, he tried to put his whole hand into his tiny mouth. This is just one of the motor skills that he will need to know.

And we were told that this is when he will get sick often becos he kept putting his hands into his mouth. Arrgghh...being the over protective mom, i get very tensed up when i see pple touching his hands.