This picture was taken when Ray was just 6 days away from his 4th Month. Looking every bit cuddly and lovely. I have heard alot of times comment from people that all day of hard work will just diminish when you look at your own child. I must admit it is so true.
There are days when both of us are tired from work and it just takes ONE smile from Ray and it will brighten up our lives and remind us that we are bless to have a smiley baby like him.
Raising a baby is never easy, let alone raising him the right way. There has been conversations who will be the devil and who will be the angel but we both agreed that we just take everything at one step at a time and face it when its here.
Seriously, no point setting out 101 rules when you are raising a baby who will soon have a mind of his own.
Childhood is precious so we must let him enjoy it freely and happily, no point setting rules that none of us can meet and then let everyone down.