30 November 2007
These are things that wouldnt happen on a Thursday morning....because its was a working day and everyone seems to be in a rush. But i was feeling really Zen about the whole thing.
In the evening, i took the train to Lot 1 to meet up with my sister and family again. As i caught into the train at City Hall, realised that there was no seat for me, took out my magazine and became to read for like 5 seconds when i realised a strange aunty staring at my tummy. She came over and whispered to me "You can have my seat" and she gave me a big grin like she won a prize in the science quest and the question was - Guess who is pregnant in the mrt.
Ahh...finally, my stomach is showing and hopefully will get more people to give up seats not just to me but other pregnant women. People in Singapore are still generally very insensitive when it comes to giving up seat to pregnant women and old folks.
Perhaps a cabin in the mrt just specially for the preggie and old folks will do the trick.....
28 November 2007
Twinkle Twinkle HONEY star
Sweet yeah? But strange enough, i felt that he was using my belly button as the mike, and yes he is that tall.
27 November 2007
Public Enemy Soon
These days, nothing pleases me.....even when pa pa mui is massaging my tired calves. I screamed "Too hard, ouch, dont touch me". When the house is untidy, i screamed "Do your part and do the chores" but all these will never bothered me in the past. Am i making a mole out of a mountain? But everything people do or say irriates me.
No one would give up their seats in the MRT, cos my tummy is too big to warrant a seat. So i attempting the caressing of my bump in the train, all failed. Last evening, even told a ANGRY looking uncle off. He was pushing his way out of the train and the train was still travelling and i have to shout at him to wait....he stared at me as if he would kill me.....and i just stared back in defiance (inside me i was shaking). Dont play with a pregnant woman aka me, i can get nasty but of cos i am usually nice.
Today, work sucks....everything is U-R-G-E-N-T, i know this is a test for my patience....just hang in there and i will survive.
26 November 2007
Burp...One more latte pls.

17 November 2007
Mirror Image
First....this is baby mui at 17 week, we did a detailed scan for the heart as the doctor was worrying that the thick skin at the back of the baby's neck might be indicated that there could be a hole in baby mui's heart. As usual, the doctor just did the scan with a very intense look and in absolute silence. And all we can see are a blue and red ray of light appearing on baby mui's heart. Both of us watched in silence.....not gathering enough courage to ask.
About 10 mins later, the doctor finally stopped all her scanning and turned to us......and the 1st question she asked was "Do u want to know the gender of the baby"? Oh come on...we knew that last month after the CVS but politely we still mentioned that we are keen to view the baby's gender and i couldnt stopped giggling when i saw it...but sorry, no picture to show as this scan is not abt my son's private part ok???
Brave pa pa mui asked Doctor..so is the scan ok? Cos all we are seeing is the blue and red ray of lights. Doctor replied "It looks fne to me and the blue and red ray was to check the flow of the baby's heart, one in and out of the heart's valves". Phew....we were so relieved.
On our way to the pharmacy, pa pa mui was admiring the above picture as he suddenly turned to me and said in a very serious tone "I think baby really looks like me".
Someone please....i think pa pa mui needs help.
13 November 2007
Tickle Tickle
Anyway, as i was laying on my side listening to the music, i felt a little ticklish feeling on the side. At least i thought i was getting numb but i realised the feeling was coming from within. Hmm....i think i just felt the baby's kick. Oh my...the feeling was just beyond descriptions. This is the wonder of being a mom.
This morning, pa pa mui turned on the music to wake me up. But i was so cosy in bed with the blanket all over me and pa pa mui walked over to me and started caressing my tummy. Conversation as follows:
Ma Ma Mui: What are you doing?
Pa Pa Mui : Bonding with the baby.
Ma Ma : By touching my arse? (i removed the blanket and you should have seen the look on pa pa mui's face)
12 November 2007
Music To The Ears
So I set the music player to play for 30mins and pa pa mui and I laid very still in bed as we read while the songs were playing. 20mins later, pa pa mui turned around and asked me....”When will this thing be over, cos its driving me mad and I cannot sleep”?
Another sleepless night for pa pa mui.....
11 November 2007
Honey!! I SHRUNK the baby's shirt!!
Well actually, its not that bad cos at least baby mui can wear it right after he is born.
Gosh, I just looked down at my own belly button and it is looking weird….oh no….its happening now isn’t it!! My sister told me that her belly button was never the same after 3 child labours!! But what the heck, I ain’t got a pierced belly button that I need to show off and beside it has been a long time since the come back of midriff outfit.
08 November 2007
Presenting...Baby Mui
Faking It
So i went to the doctor and we were chatting away when he asked me how my morning sickness is and whether it is all gone now since i am in my 2nd trimester. Without thinking, i replied "Nope, i dont have any morning sickness at all". And the doctor gave me a "Yes you have" look. But anyway he gave me some advice saying that i should consume more RED meat and leafy vegetables as i am supposed to look ROSY in my 2nd trimester and not the current stage he is looking at me....i.e OLD, HAGGARD and YELLOW...ok, i made these up but dear friends, if i am out with you, please make sure that i eat RED meat and LEAFY vegetables. Come repeat after me.....RED meat and LEAFY vegetables.
And so i took the medication and walked home slowly....then i recalled!! About few weeks ago i did go to the doctor to get some medicine for my "MORNING SICKNESS". Well, it wasnt exactly a real thingy and i just wana stay home and sleep cos you know how tiring being pregnant is. Hee hee...so my chow keng plot has been exposed!!
Sob sob....guilty!!
06 November 2007
Wrongly Accused
So i am NOT guilty!!
The SNORE shall goes on.....
05 November 2007
Tap Tap...
In the middle of the night, pa pa mui tapped me on my shoulder and didnt say anything. So in my subconcious state i asked him what it was abt...his reply "you SNORE really badly today' and i just replied "Orh" and went bed to sleep, i mean this is not a matter that you would lose sleep over to work out a solution right? Hahaa...
This morning at 6.55am, pa pa mui came and woke me up so that i can see him off to work at the door. He said that my snoring kept him up all night....gosh, i am feeling really bad but i told him i have got a stuff nose and hopefully it will be well today and i am drowning myself with water today to get rid of the flu bug.
04 November 2007
Fancy A Puff?
Guess what, i just had one today and i dreamt that i bought a pack of methanol ciggies and i was puffing away. The dream was so vivid that i woke up feeling guility cos i really thought i did it.
Phew....being preggie is really not an easy tasks. But at least i can remember what my dreams are wherelese in the past i always has a hard time trying to recall the dreams. Weird huh?
02 November 2007
Cross Road In Life
Pa Pa Mui and I went to the hospital with a "Can't Wait To See You" attitude on 9th Oct for our 2nd scanning of baby mui. Its was the Fetal Scan and partially is to scan the baby for its nose bone and the skin at the back of the baby for Down Syndrome. Baby Mui wasn't quite co-operative at first as the Doctor couldnt get a good look at the skin. So i was sent out for a walk and came back in again. This time, the Doctor was able to get a better look but he has a disturbing look on his face and he kept really quiet.
Then the bad news hit us. The Doctor said that the skin at the back of the baby's back is rather thick, it could be a sympton of Down Syndrome or it could be nothing. And he based on my age to compute a ratio and i have a 1:71 possibility. Tears already start to well up in my eyes. And Doctor suggested that we do a CVS - Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) which is a very accurate antenatal test that detects chromosomal abnormalities such as Down's syndrome (DS) but the downside is the possibility of miscarriage and its 1:300. And if baby really has Down's Syndrome, we have to decide if we want to terminate it.
Never mentioned the words MISCARRIAGE and TERMINATION to a pregnant woman ie me...as i started to sob in a room with Pa Pa Mui, Doctor and his 2 assistants all staring at me. Everything is TOO MUCH for me in a short 15 mins session. I know deep inside i want to do the test badly, i am sure all parents has a selfish side which wants to raise a normal child but if of my selfishness i did the test and lose a healthy baby???
Doctor told us to go for a walk and discuss it and we sat in the garden of the hospital and my sobbing couldnt stop. Its a tough decision that we have to make....if i go through the test, if its really a DS child, we have to terminate it and if its a normal child, we just hope that the miscarriage will not befall on me. As we were told that the miscarriage rate usually occured within 2 weeks after the CVS, i hastily informed my boss that i need a 2 weeks leave to rest at home to minimise all risks. Thank god we both have understanding bosses who shared our woes. And so the test was scheduled on 15 October 2007.
Today...its 2nd November 2007, everything is over now. And we have got the result back on 29th Oct and we have tided through the 2 weeks. Doctor said that baby is growing well and we have cleared the DS so now we will see the organs development of the baby and progress from there.
Now i understand the pain and scarf ices that our parents have gone through for us, i really appreciate that and i hope baby mui will too.
Oh ya... not only will the CVS show results of DS possibility...but they can also tell the gender of the baby.....and we are glad to inform that we will be having a BABY BOY.
On 29th Oct night...that was the first night that we both could finally sleep soundly with baby mui.