This week is the last week of my maternity leave. Well...actually i extended it a week longer cos i need time to leave Ray with my mom to build a environment for Ray to get comfortable. And also, i have to convince myself to wake up at 6am...feed Ray, express milk, pack breakfast for pa pa mui, transfer milk to the bag and PRETEND that pa pa mui and Ray will both leave the house at 7am SHARP!! Even i need a routine these days.
So far so good...but the hardest part is not being able to fall back into bed when i am done with the pretend. Arrgghh...and seeing Ray still sleeping in our bed, snoring away just make things worst.
Already started to clear my work emails and getting ready to start work next Monday...but this week, just let me enjoy my time with Ray and pa pa mui as things will never be the same again once i become the working mom.
And Ray will be THREE month next week, its another milestone for all of us.
30 June 2008
29 June 2008
Drumstick Time
Lately, Ray has been very 'on' about sucking his 'drumstick' and it worried me sometimes cos he will suck it right after his feed. And it makes me wonder if he is still hunger. Then i went to the website to check and it is explained that babies suck to calm or settle themselves and they have been doing it when they were in their mothers' womb. But sometimes Ray really pushed it and he will gag.
Pa pa mui gets anxious when someone touched Ray's hand and he will immediatly ask for wet wipes to clean Ray's hand in case he starts his sucking again.
Sigh...Are we over anxious parents?
Ah Goo Goo
This past week, Ray has been doing alot of "talking" and he cracked us up everytime he went "Ah Goo Goo" and we are encouraging him by having a conversation which usually will be....
Baby Ray: Ah Goo (he has to start the ball first)
Pa Pa Mui: Oh...Ah Goo
Baby Ray: Goo Goo.....
Pa Pa Mui: Hmm....Goo
And he gets all dreamy and it made him look like he was really into the conversation.
It cracks me up just seeing the super cool dude pa pa mui going on and on with Ray. And Ray also like to "HAI" (sort of a sigh) loudly when he was being left "crying" for a while and ASAP anyone picked him up, he will go "HAI" as if he is telling you that you took too long to pick him up!!
And he is smiling alot this week, flashing his megawatt smile just melts me!!
Baby Ray: Ah Goo (he has to start the ball first)
Pa Pa Mui: Oh...Ah Goo
Baby Ray: Goo Goo.....
Pa Pa Mui: Hmm....Goo
And he gets all dreamy and it made him look like he was really into the conversation.
And he is smiling alot this week, flashing his megawatt smile just melts me!!
24 June 2008
Guy Smiley
Alot of people have commented abt how "dirty" looking Ray's tongue is. Well...its not exactly dirty per se but its more of the residue that is being left behind after his every meals. I mean its not causing him any harm or anything but its more of a anaesthetic reason. I didnt wana do it, imagine forcing the rubber brush into your mouth. I am sure it will make him gag like mad but what to least i try right?

He was smiling away when i popped the rubber finger into his mouth. He must be thinking it is some sort of a game we are playing!! Haaha.....but seriously, it didnt do much to his tongue cos i didnt dare to push it into his mouth. Oh come on...who wants to make your own baby cry right?
And bside.....babies dont get BAD breathe fact he is smelling sweet all the time.!!

He was smiling away when i popped the rubber finger into his mouth. He must be thinking it is some sort of a game we are playing!! Haaha.....but seriously, it didnt do much to his tongue cos i didnt dare to push it into his mouth. Oh come on...who wants to make your own baby cry right?
And bside.....babies dont get BAD breathe fact he is smelling sweet all the time.!!
23 June 2008
Am i Seeing Things....
Ray is 2 months 2 weeks now.
Went the book store and bought Ray a graphic book. Cos according to the experts - "Babies see colour from birth, but they have difficulty distinguishing similar tones such as red and orange. As a result they often prefer black and white or high-contrast colours. But between the ages of two months and four months, colour differences become clearer, and your baby starts to distinguish between similar shades. As a result, she'll probably begin to show a preference for bright primary colours and more detailed and complicated designs and shapes. Encourage this by letting her look at bright pictures, photos, books, and toys."

Ray will spend 2 mins looking at the pictures and his eyes will get all dreamy and quiet. Hahaha...great way to get the baby to sleep yeah!! I seriously dont know how much it will help him on his vision but he seriously does spend some time looking at the book when i shown it to him so i guess the experts might be right after all.
Went the book store and bought Ray a graphic book. Cos according to the experts - "Babies see colour from birth, but they have difficulty distinguishing similar tones such as red and orange. As a result they often prefer black and white or high-contrast colours. But between the ages of two months and four months, colour differences become clearer, and your baby starts to distinguish between similar shades. As a result, she'll probably begin to show a preference for bright primary colours and more detailed and complicated designs and shapes. Encourage this by letting her look at bright pictures, photos, books, and toys."

Ray will spend 2 mins looking at the pictures and his eyes will get all dreamy and quiet. Hahaha...great way to get the baby to sleep yeah!! I seriously dont know how much it will help him on his vision but he seriously does spend some time looking at the book when i shown it to him so i guess the experts might be right after all.
21 June 2008
Swimming Lesson 2
Today we brought Ray to the swimming centre again. This time he seems to enjoy it more and was even able to move in circles as he kicked his legs.
I think all babies love water!! So Ray was extremely happy when he was in the tub and he spent a good 20 mins just going round doing his kicks. And when we got him out of the water, he was going all smiley and happy. As compared to the last time, he is now more confidently in water. It is best to get the baby to start on the swimming asap so that they will remember how they used to "swim" in their mothers' womb.
And the last time Ray was all tired out and he slept like a baby (duh, he is a baby!!) the moment he was placed into his pram after the swim but this time round, he was so alert then he tired both of us out...just when i thought Ray will sleep through the rest of the day.
I think all babies love water!! So Ray was extremely happy when he was in the tub and he spent a good 20 mins just going round doing his kicks. And when we got him out of the water, he was going all smiley and happy. As compared to the last time, he is now more confidently in water. It is best to get the baby to start on the swimming asap so that they will remember how they used to "swim" in their mothers' womb.
And the last time Ray was all tired out and he slept like a baby (duh, he is a baby!!) the moment he was placed into his pram after the swim but this time round, he was so alert then he tired both of us out...just when i thought Ray will sleep through the rest of the day.
17 June 2008
Neck Up, Stomach In
Lately, Ray has shown great interest in "standing up" to see the world. But in order for him to stand up properly and safely, we need to train his marshmallow neck that is going everywhere. Sometimes he swayed really badly as if a typhoon was hitting me and his head can be damm hard when it hit u in ur face.
I tried not to tired him out so i limit the session to abt 2 - 3 mins per time or when he goes opposing by making those frustrating noises. Oh yes he does that...and he is really good at complaining too.
I tried not to tired him out so i limit the session to abt 2 - 3 mins per time or when he goes opposing by making those frustrating noises. Oh yes he does that...and he is really good at complaining too.
15 June 2008
Happy Father's Day
Today is Father's Day but we didnt get to celebrate it officially as it was the customary wedding of Ray's dai pak (big uncle). But we celebrated it with all other fathers who were there at the wedding. Cheers to all the unsung heros in our lifes!!
I must sing praises of pa pa mui. He is more hands on than most fathers that i have known. Even though alot of people have said things like "Yeah, first baby of cos he will be hands on, wait till number 2". But i know, pa pa mui will treat all our babies with equality. Ray is very attached to him these days as he is beginning to recongise the smell of his father. Happy Father's Day, pa pa mui.
We are slowly getting used to Ray's new look now and everyone is still commenting that he looks cute....thank god!!

We are slowly getting used to Ray's new look now and everyone is still commenting that he looks cute....thank god!!

14 June 2008
Gone....are the tresses of mine
While at the swimming place, they also offer hair cutting service for Ray so we decided to shave off his hair. His back view is giving me tummy ache from laughing so we decided maybe a shave might do him some good.

And he was screaming away whilst he was getting his shave. And it always break our heart when he screamed in pain or agony.

Looking all serene after i calmed him down with milk milk and looking like a laughing Buddha.
PS: I couldnt stop laughing...this is worst than his last hairdo!! Bad mummy bad mummy!! What have we DONE!!

And he was screaming away whilst he was getting his shave. And it always break our heart when he screamed in pain or agony.


PS: I couldnt stop laughing...this is worst than his last hairdo!! Bad mummy bad mummy!! What have we DONE!!
Swim Baby Swim
We have heard so much about swimming for the babies that we decided to bring Ray to Harbourfront to try out. Swimming actually helps to develop the brains of the babies. U see...when u work out, ur brain works so it will grow. Plus, a little bit of exercise for Ray to expel his extra energy is good...i think babies need a channel to vent their frustration as well. Alright alright, i sound very much like a defensive mom who is trying to fend off all accusation of sending our baby off to class at the age of mere 2 month.
Ray doesnt look too happy as he was awaken from his sleep to do this exercise. But i assured the ladies there that Ray has slept long enough so he will be fine and bside he loves his bath time.
And here's Ray looking very eager as if he was asking the ladies if he was doing it right *wink* Natural Flirt, yeah!!
The water temp was around 37 deg so it was nice and warm.
And there were moments where Ray actually fell asleep for a split second and the ladies there were laughing away, i guess this is a first for them as well.

11 June 2008
Weight Issue
We visited the polyclinic today to get Ray vaccinated but when we reached there, we realised the polyclinic has screwed up and given us the wrong date to come for Ray's third month jab. FYI, Ray is only two month old. Infamous for my black face attitude, i have to show it off to the nurses and told them how they have screw up. So i went on how they have wasted our time blah blah blah...and all this while, pa pa mui was quietly standing behind me. And suddenly, he decided it was enough and he finally said something....and that was "can we take his weight then, since we are here"??
Faint.....u see, pa pa mui has an obsession abt Ray's weight. And alot of people have been complimenting that Ray is looking more like a 4 month old baby. Praise the breastmilk!! Ray now weighs a hefty 6.5kg and we are feeling the strain already. Phew...
And today is also our 2nd year anniversary of our customary and pa pa mui surprised me with flowers....ohhh...and i completely forgotten abt it. Damm!!
Faint.....u see, pa pa mui has an obsession abt Ray's weight. And alot of people have been complimenting that Ray is looking more like a 4 month old baby. Praise the breastmilk!! Ray now weighs a hefty 6.5kg and we are feeling the strain already. Phew...
And today is also our 2nd year anniversary of our customary and pa pa mui surprised me with flowers....ohhh...and i completely forgotten abt it. Damm!!

08 June 2008
Watch My Back!!
Honestly, i have never paid enough attention to the back view of Ray. But the other day, i saw it while i was burping him and i was laughing away. It just looked so damm funnie to me cos this view is the most neglected angle, and beside he is still a baby thus the neck is not very visible from the back. Also, how many times have u seen the back view of a baby? Personally, not many. So, here's sharing one of the "best" angle of his backview.

And Ray is 2 month old now. He has also started to explore with his hands. So he is now figuring out how to put the "drumstick" into his mouth. Some days its his thumb, some days its the index finger and some days, he tried to put his whole hand into his tiny mouth. This is just one of the motor skills that he will need to know.
And we were told that this is when he will get sick often becos he kept putting his hands into his mouth. Arrgghh...being the over protective mom, i get very tensed up when i see pple touching his hands.
And Ray is 2 month old now. He has also started to explore with his hands. So he is now figuring out how to put the "drumstick" into his mouth. Some days its his thumb, some days its the index finger and some days, he tried to put his whole hand into his tiny mouth. This is just one of the motor skills that he will need to know.

07 June 2008
Black Tie Event
Ray attended his first Black Tie event on 7th June 2008. It was the solemnization of his dai pak and his long time girlfrd, Jeanne. Before the event started, we decided to sneak off to feed Ray some milk as we were afraid that he might "object" to the marriage during the ceremony by crying for milk. Here's looking real fine in his mini bow tie which was made by ME!! Yes me!! And everyone was going ga ga over Ray and his outfit....made me a real proud ma ma!!
But Ray took too long to finish his meal and by the time we were done, the ceremony has already started and we were stuck outside the door. Good thing we were able to watch their solemnization via the glass door.
04 June 2008
Busy Bee
Lately, we have been going through the stuff that we have bought for Ray and decided that its time for him to exercise his eyes so we set up the musical mobile over his bed so that he can "play" with it. So far his response to the musical mobile has been good, he is able to follow a object and his head is turning fast enough also. So....when do we know when to stop?
Take a good look at the pic....thats when u S-T-O-P!!
Ray is almost 2 months old now i.e. one more month and i will have to re-join the workforce. So we are slowly introducing Ray to the rubber teat and bottle. We strongly believe in only serving breastmilk and we are proud to say that we are able to serve it fresh for now. And Ray seem to be taking it quite well. In fact, the new face that is feeding him the milk is now pa pa mui. How wonderful is that - bonding for the father and son!! And look at them...happily drinking their first bottle together and posing for the pic.
03 June 2008
Peace Before A Storm
Ever realise that babies will fall asleep in a moving car? Well....the reason is becos of the vibration from the car. And Ray recevied this fantastic chair that mimic the vibration of a moving car from aunty Sharlin with the musical tune of itsy bitsy spider. Personally i love this chair but somehow i have this feeling that Ray wants to put this chair to the "waterproof" test. Look at Ray...ohh...all peaceful sitting in the chair.

And the next moment, he decided its time for the TEST and puked out all the milk that he had drank 10 mins ago while i was away for a mere second.

Did i mention that this is the SECOND time that he is doing the test?
And the next moment, he decided its time for the TEST and puked out all the milk that he had drank 10 mins ago while i was away for a mere second.
Did i mention that this is the SECOND time that he is doing the test?
02 June 2008
Like Father Like Son
Almost everyday, pa pa mui will make the effort to come back to have lunch with me and to spend some quality time with Ray. And usually Ray will be taking his nap when pa pa mui is back. But today, he was extremely active in the afternoon and was even smiling away as we take pics of him.
Ray has changed quite a bit since his new born days. Alright's 2 lousy pictures for comparison but basically i just want to show that Ray has shed his new born look and moving on to his baby look.
01 June 2008
Super D-A D-A
Sometimes in life, we need a super hero to look up to, to learn from and to lean on. That's when the figure of a super DADDY comes into place.

We were shopping at a store when pa pa mui decided he wanted to be a heroic figure to Ray. How?? By proving that having muscular legs will do the job.
Hahaha....but i think he freaked Ray out as he reciprocated with this "I Am So Cute, Please Dont Harm Me" look.

I was trying my best to hold a straight face as i helped the two of them with these pictures....and we realised we were actually being watched by fella shoppers who must have think that we are going crazy with the baby.
We were shopping at a store when pa pa mui decided he wanted to be a heroic figure to Ray. How?? By proving that having muscular legs will do the job.
Hahaha....but i think he freaked Ray out as he reciprocated with this "I Am So Cute, Please Dont Harm Me" look.
I was trying my best to hold a straight face as i helped the two of them with these pictures....and we realised we were actually being watched by fella shoppers who must have think that we are going crazy with the baby.
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