08 October 2007


Bonding......the little bundle that we are expecting has really brought us closer together. Every night we spent a good 10 mins in bed, rubbing each other....i wish....its pa pa mui rubbing my tummy and whispering sweet nothings to the little fella.

Pa Pa mui said its not fair that i spent so muchie time with the little fella while he only gets a mere 10 mins bonding with the little fella.

We'll see...when the little fella is out, whether pa pa mui will still insist on his bonding rights.

04 October 2007

First Entry

Hello Everyone.....

Testing testing.....Gosh, it has been a while since i last blog, well not here of cos since this is the first entry, i am talking about my Ulu middle east days.

Finally....or well....at least soon i will be able to share with everyone on the progress of the little bundle that we are expecting in April. Well, its a myth but i think i will share more with you people when i am officially over the 3 mths mark.

More update next week, let's see if the daddy mui will weep at the scan room.