21 June 2008

Swimming Lesson 2

Today we brought Ray to the swimming centre again. This time he seems to enjoy it more and was even able to move in circles as he kicked his legs.

I think all babies love water!! So Ray was extremely happy when he was in the tub and he spent a good 20 mins just going round doing his kicks. And when we got him out of the water, he was going all smiley and happy. As compared to the last time, he is now more confidently in water. It is best to get the baby to start on the swimming asap so that they will remember how they used to "swim" in their mothers' womb.

And the last time Ray was all tired out and he slept like a baby (duh, he is a baby!!) the moment he was placed into his pram after the swim but this time round, he was so alert then he tired both of us out...just when i thought Ray will sleep through the rest of the day.