26 November 2007

Burp...One more latte pls.

Sorry sorry...for the lack of update since last Saturday. As some of you are already knew that i have passed my driving test. Well...its not something that i am exactly proud of cos i was learning to drive a automatic car, and not a manual. I really salute those people that know how to drive one.

Ok, back to the progress now. Suddenly, my appetite seems to have taken over my brain...i am eating non stop, well almost lah, but at least at times i am munching on healthy snacks like fruits or nuts. Walnuts are good...peanuts are evil....

My waist seems to have disappear as well (yes, i used to have a waist) and the bump is getting bigger. I have also steadily gained 3 kg since i fell pregnant so i think that is quite a good progress. And i have just passed my 2nd trimester so i am at the stage where i should G-L-O-W but not very much but at least the fatigue feeling has gone. The experts said that i should be choosing a name now for the baby.....eh? Banyan Mui?

Under the influence of latte (caffeine), i was talked into taking a photo of my bump...